A unique, Randall Carlson-designed educational center, resort & village
The Randall Carlson Project
A Call to Rekindle the Traditional Modes of Learning
The Project’s Mission
Rooted in Place, Nature, Wisdom & Community
The Randall Carlson Project aims to educate, inspire and re-invigorate humanity by creating an environment rich with the raw materials needed for both personal and social expansion and transformation.
We believe that education does not start nor end with modern institutional learning, and seek to build a vibrant, regenerative, integrative community learning hub.
We are calling on thought-leaders and practitioners across a diverse range of expertise to connect with us — to learn, teach, collaborate, and thrive in balance with the world as it develops.

The Center
Restoration of the Ancient Hermetic Science of Uniting Earth and Cosmos
Culled from studies of the methodologies of the Ancients-– including that of the Egyptians, Greeks, Sumerians, the Vedas, the Old and New Testaments, the Megalithic Builders, Freemasonry, the Gothic Cathedral Builders, the Comacines, the Monumental Earthworks of America, the Chacoan Builders of the American Southwest, the Mayans, the Dialogues of Plato, Pythagoras…
We Begin With…
- Geomantic Survey and location of the Sacred Center
- Insertion of the Gnomon Pole
- Establishment of the Cardinal Directions
- Establishment of the Horizon Calendar and Key Astronomical Lines
- Layout of the Celestial Template with Sacred Geometry and Metrology
- Design and construction of infrastructure to reflect the Heavens
- Amplification of the Natural Forces
Hear from Randal Carlson About
The Problems with Traditional Education

Option 1
We will be seeking all types of investors: Accredited, Angel, Personal, to both fund and sustain this visionary venture. Our legal team is still investigating the benefits of various avenues — Public, Private and Nonprofit. Please indicate your interest below.
Option 2
We will soon be accepting donations of ALL types. We are also exploring various crowd-sourcing platforms & levels of rewards. We also appreciate donations of tangible items we need; furniture, tools, building materials, electronics, etc Please indicate your interest below.
Option 3
Bringing the Center to life will require all-hands-on-deck. There will be plenty of opportunity for all ages and skillsets to lend your expertise to the cause — either on-site or remotely. Please indicate your interest and skillsets below.
The Ideal Location
Southeast U.S.
Because Randall and his building crew are based in Metro-Atlanta, we have been looking for the ideal setting and property within 3-5 hours of that area — perhaps in the North Georgia Mountains (where Randall’s ancestors are from), Southern Tennessee or North Carolina. The property must have the right acreage and amenities (ie. source of water, elevation, arable land, community, etc).
Ideally it would have existing structures and/or natural features of interest (abandoned church, home, barns, waterfalls, overlooks, rock formations) to set the scene. We are open to ALL possibilities — if you have any land or know of the optimal location (even if NOT in the Southeast), please let us know.
Main Campus Infrastructure at Maturity

Estimated Cost
Various Components
of the Randall Carlson Project
← Scroll Chart Left to Right →
Structure | Square Footage | Land Area |
Building Cost | Notes |
Lodge/Restaurant Building | 7,000 - 8,000 | 2 acres | TBD | |
Auditorium/Theater/Classrooms | 2 acres | TBD | ||
Workshop | 2,000 | 1 acre | TBD | |
Library | 1,600 | 1/2 acre | TBD | |
Laboratory | 1,600 | 1/2 acre | TBD | Incl. equipment cost |
Greenhouse | 1,200 | 1/2 acre | TBD | |
Rejuvenation Clinic | TBD | |||
Cabins | 800sf each | 1 acre per | TBD | 6 cabins |
Dormitory & Mess Hall | 5,000 - 6,000 | 1 acre | TBD | |
Observatory | 10 acres | TBD | ||
Planetarium | 1 acre | TBD | Area included in observatory | |
Gardens/Crops | 5-10 acres | TBD | ||
Gymnasium | 40'x60' (2,400) | TBD | ||
Green Space/Undeveloped | 100+ acres | TBD | ||
Private Home Sites | 25-30 acres | TBD | 12-15 sites |
Construction Begins
- Initial structures would include 2 multi-purpose buildings that could later be converted to a specific use, such as a library or a shop building.
- Camp sites would be developed and some cabins would be built early in the process.
- Dormitory/mess hall and pavilion would be early in the process.
- Private home sites will be for staff, faculty, and top-tier patrons.
- Not costed yet: Road development, water management facilities, power access or generation etc.

More About
Randall Carlson
Randall Carlson is a 3rd generation professional builder and co-owner of Archetype Design/Build, Inc. A rural upbringing in Minnesota led to an avid interest of the workings of the natural world at an early age. As an enthusiastic reader he developed a broad interest in science, history and mythology. An interest in building and architecture led to an in-depth study of the methods, symbolism, geometry and science incorporated into the many sacred structures throughout the ages.
As Seen on Joe Rogan Experience
Randall has now appeared 7 times on the JRE. Episode #1772 discusses the RC Project

Designed by a Master Builder
Decades of experience in craftsmanship, symbolism, and preserving endangered knowledge are now ready to put down roots.
Help Us Build the Future of Learning
Contribute to The Randall Carlson Project
Your information is 100% secure. We promise to never sell or distribute your information.
Partnered With Howtube
The curriculum developed by Randall will also be delivered through the howtube platform for remote learning.

Connect with RC
Randall Carlson Project | All Rights Reserved © 2023 | Visit randallcarlson.com